On July 8th, I’ll be reading new poetry as part of an event called “Death by Landscape”, curated by Elvia Wilk and Mathias Zeiske, and part of a Haus der Kulturen der Welt series called Alphabet Readings. More information about the event (including tickets) can be found here.
“Death by Landscape is an event that moves through the city at night. A boat on the Spree will be the vessel for readings by Timo Feldhaus, Elvia Wilk, Calla Henkel, K Allado-McDowell, Bitsy Knox and a performance by Nazanin Noori.
The title is borrowed from Elvia Wilk’s recent book of essays, which proposes new ways for living and working in an age of extinction. “Death” here is not about invoking catastrophe, but about the end of certain destructive perspectives – perspectives that see the human as supreme over the rest of the world. The landscape, formerly thought of as a passive resource for extraction, becomes an overwhelming life force. What if the landscape flipped from the background into the foreground? What if the river became the protagonist of the story? It might be spooky. Ghosts might come to life. The trip represents a transition, a crossing over.”
(photo credit: Rachel Rose, Enclosure, 2019).